Update 2018-02-14, since Amazon has introduced a feature to extract meta data at runtime in a container the discovery agent described in this post becomes obsolete for the ECS case, see more this post for more details.
This post describes a solution for implementing the discovery of the unknown exposed port by a Docker container. A specific situation where the problem occurs is when you deploy Spring Cloud micro services as Amazon ECS services to the cloud.
The problem
Setting up a micro services architecture requires that there is a way services can find each other. Spring Cloud provides a services discovery service out of the box: Eureka. Services running in the micro services landscape are responsible to register themselves to the discovery service. Then, any service running in the micro services landscape can locate them based on their name. Deploying those services to a docker based cloud, such as AWS, does however create some difficulties.
A service running in a container does not know the external exposed port. The port map can be fixed, for example by mapping the external port on the same port as the internal one but this will eventually cause port conflicts. Besides that, you are not able to scale the container on the same host. Therefore, it make sense to use automatic port assignment. But in that case, services must be able to discover the port, assigned by docker, for registration.
Running micro services in docker containers on AWS ECS looks as follows.

Each micro service is defined as task which will run as service (a docker container). The docker container runs on a Amazon EC2 instance that also runs docker agent to manage the cluster. Unfortunately, the agent has no API to lookup the exposed port.
To lookup the exposed port an extra agent is added to the EC2 instance. The discovery agent uses an API to discover the port for a given container id, internal port and protocol. The only drawback is that the discovery agent needs access to the docker socket which is a potential security risk.

Let’s explain the working of the discovery agent by example: First we have to start the agent as a docker container.
docker run -d -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock \
--name docker-discovery-agent -p 5555:8080 npalm/docker-discovery-agent:1.0.0
Now the agent is running, it can be tested. For testing we start another container, remember the problem is that we need to find the exposed port from within a container. The local ip address will be added as extra host to the container. The test container is just a linux (CentOS) container containing the tool curl
and for which port 80 is exposed to a random port.
export DOCKERHOST=$(ifconfig | grep -E "([0-9]{1,3}\.){3}[0-9]{1,3}" | \
grep -v | awk '{ print $2 }' | cut -f2 -d: | head -n1)
docker run -it -p 80 --add-host="dockerhost:$(DOCKERHOST)" --rm centos /bin/bash
We are now in the shell of the CentOS container, the host file contains a DNS entry that points to the host. First, we have to search for the id of the current container.
CONTAINER_ID=$(cat /proc/self/cgroup | grep "cpu:/" | sed 's/\([0-9]\):cpu:\/docker\///g')
Then, we ask the discovery agent for our external mapped port by sending the container id and the internal port.
curl "http://dockerhost:5555/container/${CONTAINER_ID}/portbinding?port=80&protocol=tcp"
The result is a JSON string container with the hostIp and hostPort, for example:
"HostIp": "",
"HostPort": "32779"
Alternative to passing the host ip address, it is possible to register a static ip address and use this to find the dicovery agent.
sudo ifconfig lo0 alias
Now we can discover the exposed port, let’s give some direction on how this can be combined with Spring Cloud on ECS. First deploy Eureka (service discover) as container. Register an ALB (internal) to the service. Now we have an endpoint that we can use to inject the service that needs to register itself. Next create a spring service that is aware of discovery. Before the services can be started, the exposed port needs to be found. Add the snippet below to the start script to start the services in the container.
export DOCKER_HOST=$(curl -s
export CONTAINER_ID=$(cat /proc/self/cgroup | grep "cpu:/" | \
sed 's/\([0-9]\):cpu:\/docker\///g')
$(curl "http://${DOCKER_HOST}:5555/container/${CONTAINER_ID}/portbinding?port=8080&protocol=tcp")
export EXPOSED_PORT=$(echo ${NETWORK_BINDING} | jq -c '.[0].HostPort' | \
sed -e 's/^"//' -e 's/"$//')
exec java -jar /service.jar
The last step is to update the application.yml
and add a few lines to force the ip address and port during service registration.
defaultZone: ${EUREKA_URL} // Needs to be injected as environment variable
preferIpAddress: true
ip-address: ${DOCKER_HOST}
non-secure-port: ${EXPOSED_PORT}
Discovery of the unknown exposed port is a highly discussed topic and there are many alternative solutions, Please see docker issue, which is a good starting point for alternatives. The following alternatives came to my mind:
- Same approach, but run the discovery service directly on the host.
- Implement the discovery capability in each servie as a library, but the drawback is that all the services need the docker socket.
- Choose another discovery mechanism for example based on ALB.
- Switch to Consul in combination with a registrator